About Phil Trim Contractors

Philip Trim Contractors was established in 1987.  Philip has built the company up with a loyal team of employees, and today we employ 30 full time and up to 12 seasonally employed people. CIMG0305

We are based in Bere Regis, Dorset and operate from our office with a team of 4 people ensuring the smooth running of the business, together with the fleet of 10 lorries collecting liquid waste, and all the agricultural machines.

We built a farm on our own farmland, and also rent a vast amount of land to feed our 200 heard of suckler cows and store animals.  We make enough fodder to sell to local farm and horse customers.




We enjoy our involvement in the local community and, amongst others, sponsor the Dorset County Show and the Bere Regis ladies football team.  In recent years our staff have participated in a sponsored charity cycle ride, and raised £10,000 for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance which are a vital service especially in the agricultural environment.
